Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Copyright Task 1

Can you copyright an idea?
 No you can't copyright an idea

What sort of material does copyright protect?
The material that copyright protects is: 
  • the names of your products or brands
  • your inventions
  • the design or look of your products
  • things you write, make or produce
Is there an official registration system for copyright?

Type of protectionExamples of intellectual propertyTime to allow for application
Trade marksProduct names, logos, jingles4 months
Registered designsAppearance of a product including, shape, packaging, patterns, colours, decoration1 month
PatentsInventions and products, eg machines and machine parts, tools, medicinesAround 5 years
What steps can you take to help prove that you own the copyright to a particular piece of work?
How long does copyright last for?
Copyright lasts for 70 years
What do you need to do to use a piece of copyright material?
If you want to copyright something in the UK, you don't fill out a registration form or pay a fee to have your work protected. According to the UK Intellectual Property Office, copyright is an automatic right that occurs as soon as you create something. The key to this automatic right is that the work you have created must be in a tangible form.

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